I don’t want a full essay. I would like a plan to help me with the structure, can you help?

Type: Support Article. Published: 1st Apr 2024

Of course! This is something we can help with – first, decide what you need help with and then place your order.

If you’re looking for a plan or outline – something to help you get started – you’ll need to place an order for the ‘Essay Outline/Plan’ service. This will provide you with an in-depth plan to help you write your own work. For the best possible plan, we do advise that you order at least a third of the total word count of your assignment. For example, for a 3000 word essay, a 1000 word outline would be best.

If you’d prefer to order more than one third of the overall word count, we would always recommend noting in the requirements what the overall word count of your assignment is; this ensures the writer develops a plan detailed enough for you to work from.

If you’re looking for help with part of an essay, assignment or coursework, we can help with that, too! Just place an order under the relevant service, and make sure you explain that you only need help with certain parts, define exactly what. We’ll review your requirements and let you know if we need any more information.

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