How long does it take you to find a writer for my order?

Type: Support Article. Published: 1st Apr 2024

Each order is different; however, we ask that you allow 24 to 48 hours for a writer to be found. The exception to this is if we’re waiting for information from you, or clarifying things between you and a writer. It’s very important to us to try and get your requirements right first time, so there’s no issues later.

It may be the case that a writer is found straightaway, but it does vary on the individual requirements of each order. Therefore, we cannot guarantee this. We will always keep you updated on the progress of your order and contact you as soon as a suitable writer has been found. If, at any point, the original delivery time have you selected needs to be altered to ensure the work is received on time, we can change this for you. Alternatively, feel free to reach out for an update.

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