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Maintenance Planning and Scheduling for Company Development

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Engineering
Wordcount: 4149 words Published: 18th May 2020

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Maintenance Planning and Scheduling.

    “Success in all tasks relies on prior preparing, and failure chances are more without prior preparing.”

Maintenance Planning and Scheduling plays an important role in the company because it helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the plant and also focus on the vision and mission of the organization. It also provides the safe atmosphere to do the maintenance in proper sequence by reducing wastage of time. It enables a maintenance tradesperson to get ready in advance with the tools, parts, devices and equipments as suitable for the job or breakdown. By doing this one should save time when someone demands work to be done, a maintenance organizer would basically decide and collect the necessary tools sometime recently the work is allotted. The organizer might indeed write instructions on how to do the work. With this type of approach in work, the person actually attending the problem would not have to waste time in getting everything prepared. This arranging strategy would be thought to increase plant productivity along with maintenance efficiency. Overall it contributes is by minimizing the waste of time and asset so that efficiency can be increased.

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Maintenance Planning and Scheduling is a major technique to progress maintenance efficiency with respect to ineffective maintenance time.  Its function is to deliver a good plant capacity. But it could be discipline that is hard to achieve and hard to maintain specially in the large industries. It requires be supporting and creating carefully on regular intervals. If an organization wants to do anything effectively and efficiently then planning and scheduling must be a significant activity. For effectively implemented of any strategy or procedure there must be strong planning and scheduling. In addition to ensuring successful results, a well planned and scheduled maintenance approach also saves a lot of money and time. It also helps solve issues and prevent failures as we can find out what went wrong and how we will solve it as it is a step by step method. Anybody who is having knowledge of the organization’s infrastructure can enhance efficiency, effectiveness and reduce general maintenance cost over time for the organization. For this we have to do the work breakdown structure as shown:


      What to do?         ( Identify Work)

      How to do?           (Plan Work)

      When to do?         (Schedule work)

      Who will do?         (Execute work)

      Monitoring.            (Records)     

      Analysis for better results in future.



      Reduce store inventory and save money.

      Record of the work for future analysis.

      Improve wrench time and improve workflow.

      Improve efficiency due to effective use of working hours.

      Provide safe work place and reduce accidents and stress on shop floor.


  1. Work Identification.

Work identification is the first step of successful maintenance management. Indentifying the work to be accomplished is a main component of the successful implementation of maintenance management. This contains the estimated information about the effort of the work and equipments to complete the task along with time and effectiveness. It also gives the idea for the upcoming issues, constraints and obstacles which may disturb the work in future.

For example, We have change the chuck jaws of lathe machines, work identification will tell us where we have to do work, on which machine, what are the descriptions of the machine, what are the safety precautions we have to take while changing jaws and estimated time along with the step by step methods involve in changing the jaws.

  1. Planning.

“Successful Organizations are run by system not by persons.”

Planning give the information regarding objectives and procedures through which a person can achieve those objectives. The purpose of planning is to get good efficiency and effectiveness.

      What is the task?

      How will we do the task?

      What equipments we need to perform this task?

For example, we have to change the chuck jaws of lathe machines, planning will tell us that task is to change the jaws then it tell us the method to change the jaws and what will be the time required for this changing the chuck jaws.

  1. Scheduling.

Scheduling give the information regarding the worker who is going to be responsible for the task along with particular site or location with the specific period of time. The purpose of scheduling is prevent failure by doing proper maintenance by putting least effect on production and selecting appropriate equipments and skilled persons to the task at right time.

      When the works start to do the task?

      Who will be responsible to do the task?

For example, we will replace the chuck jaws should be replaced when its length decrease by 75 % of its original length and operator is responsible for the replacement of the chuck jaws.

Work planning should be performed before a work is scheduled. The planner is going to plan the strategy, the scheduler is going to coordinate this plan with tradesperson and then tradesperson is going to do the work and this is how the work is completed.

  1. Executing.

The work which is not checked is not done.

Work execution is a scheduled method of performing the planned maintenance. Once the task has been allocated, the maintenance persons are responsible for completing the task according to the planning in scheduled ways. It is hard to implement because it is tuff to measure and manage a concept.

 For effective execution of the work we have to use some tools as mentioned below :

      Reminders to let people when things are coming due.

      Triggers are action based so that if one action occurs, its triggers another action in work flow.

      Automation will be there to reduce the fatigue and stress.

      Breaking work into small portions.

      Aligning work as scheduled.

      Positive and creative environment.

      Discussing running work with experts.

  1. Recording.

Recording and monitoring is the tool in which we collect and save all the data, methods or ways which are adopted to complete the task. Records are often depends on previous methods, techniques and strategies by which it utilize essential sources and other proof to investigate or research further. This is the written collective information which is store for years and years.

  1. Analysing.

Analyse of the work is to study the previous history of the problem and find the more accurate and effective way to improve the methods in solving the problem. It is important in business to understand the problems and take an appropriate action to solve the problem. It also helps in decision making and operating task in easy way with more efficiency.

Let have an example to get more understanding of the Maintenance planning and scheduling.

We have to replace the set of jaw from Hydraulic chuck of Cincinnati Milacron TC -22 Shed 4 Axle turning line.

Front view of TC – 22 with closed door


Front view of TC – 22 with open door


Machine Description

Machine Make

Cincinnati Milacron

Machine Number

TC-22 Shed 4 Axle Turning Line


8 C ( 1948)


Computerized Numerical Controlled  Turning Lathe

Chuck Size

203.2 mm / 8 inches

Chuck Bore

76.2 mm / 3 inches

Chuck pressure

400 PSI / 28 Bar


MT 4  Standard Soft Jaws


558.8 mm


14.9 Kw

Maximum RPM


Spindle Motor

20 HP

Turret Travel

1016 mm

Turret Position (tool holders)



Step by step let understand the process of replacing the set of old jaws with the set of new jaws.

To replace the chuck jaws is Risk Based Maintenance under Preventive Maintenance. We change the set of jaws to avoid the accident due to less gripping area of the jaws left behind. If we do not replace it, there are the maximum chances for the accident because when we do the turning of Axle shaft at spindle rpm of 1100 with the feed of 3.5 mm and 2 mm depth cut. As it is Risk based maintenance, we just replace jaws when its holding length of each jaw is less than 20 % of its total diameter that is if total length of jaw is 100 mm we can turn the jaws up to 20 mm and further it is alarming situation or when its width get too small as its almost going to touch the face of the Allen bolt.                     


1. First we have to switch off the machine by putting emergency or by moving panel main switch in upward direction.

2. Lock the chuck by giving command of N 110, by doing this we can easily mounted the jaws on the chuck and reduces risk of accident.

3. Maintain S in the shop as well as near to the machine to avoid the time wastage.

      First S is Sorting of the material that is what is required and what is not required.

      Second S is Setting of the material at the right place in systematic way so that in future we can find it easily.

      Third S is Shinning of the material to get the life as well maintaining the cleanliness.

      Fourth S is standardized the material as we have to maintain the standard of the work place as well as of the shop.

      Fifth S is Sustainability of the work which we have done that is to maintain all the above 4S at the workplace.

    If we will maintain 5S in the shop, it will help us in finding the tools and equipment easily and reduce the     accident as well as time wastage.

Disassembly of the jaws from the chuck.

    1. Each jaw is having a 1, 2 and 3 number punched on its face and same number is on chuck jaw slots.

    2. Every jaw is having two Allen bolts of 12.9 mm.

    3. Operator of the turning machine will take left hand Allen key of 12.9 mm and fix it in the head of the Allen bolt head and apply a force in anticlockwise to open the blots.

    4. After opening all the six bolts, operator has to remove the chuck jaws out of the slots of the chuck with the help of 14 mm chuck wrench.

Old  jaws

            12.9 mm Allen bolt                                                                       12.9mm Allen key

        12.9 mm Allen key with 12.9 mm Allen bolt                              14 mm chuck wrench handle

Inspection of the jaws from the chuck.

    1. Operator will check the teeth pitch of the each jaw at back face of the jaw.

    2. Operator will check the total length and breadth of the jaws.

    3. Operator will check the hole diameter of the jaws for the Allen bolt.

     4. Check the keyway width (slot width) of the jaws.

     5. All the dimensions can be checked by digital vernier caliper having least count 0.01 mm.

Old jaws dimensions

                                      Size of the teeth pitch                                                   Size of  the length

                           Size of the breadth                                              Size of the diameter for the Allen bolt

Slot width or keyway width


New jaws dimensions

              Size of the teeth pitch                                                Size of  the length

Size of the breadth                                                      Size of the diameter of the llen bolt

Slot width or keyway width            

Assembly of the jaws on the chuck.

1. Operator has to clean the chuck with the simple brush to remove the chips or dust.

2. Spray antirust oil PT-40 on the chuck slots

3. After comparing the dimensions of the new jaws with the old jaws, operator has to assemble the jaws on the chuck one by one by matching every jaw’s number with chuck number.

4. Now tight all the six  Allen bolt of 12.9 mm with the Allen key of 12.9 mm by applying force in clockwise direction.

Set of new jaws

True Positioning of the jaws on the chuck.

1. After mounting the new jaws, we have to do make the inner diameter of the new jaws for clamming the job or piece.

2. Turn the inner diameter of the new jaws with the help of boring bar tool and DNMG 120408 insert.

3. Check the inner diameter or clamping diameter run out with the puppy dial and stand.

              Checking runout  on clamping diameter                     Cutting on the inner diameter of jaws


 According to me Maintenance Planning and Scheduling plays an important role in the company because of the following reasons

      It makes the task easy by advance planning and scheduling of the work.

      Advance planning and scheduling give chance to the perform to get ready with the tools and equipments.

      By reducing wastage of time in searching the things it increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the maintenance.

      There are very less chance of mistake because everyone is proper assigned for the task and responsible for his/her work.

      Increase the overall productivity for the plant.

      Due to proper planning and scheduling risk of the accident is also negligible.

      Helps in maintain the 5S

      Control the inventory and save the money.

Reference List

1. https://www.worldclassplanning.com/schedule/maintenance-planning-and-scheduling/.

2.http://www.lifetime-reliability.com/tutorials/maintenance-planning-. 3.scheduling/MPS_Day2_World_Class_Maintenance_Planning.pdf.


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