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Explain why Coca Cola is a mass market product

Paper Type: Free Assignment Study Level: University / Undergraduate
Wordcount: 286 words Published: 17th Jun 2020

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Explain why Coca Cola is a mass market product


A mass market product is when a corporation, usually a monopolist, sells a product to a relatively large fraction of consumers (Ivanov 2009). To explain a mass market, it can simply be paralleled with niche market. A niche product is a product targeting only a specific section of a larger industry and market. Coke, Pepsi and General Motors are some of the examples of products which target a mass market. Most organizations utilise the mass media to persuade and reach a wide audience who have different needs but will buy the same product. With this in mind, below are some of the rationales explaining why Coca Cola is a mass product:
  • When Coca Cola treats the overall population market as one large market, it will create a large pool of potential customers who are willing to buy the product.
  • Subsequently, the large market potential will yield to a remarkable sales volume of the target brand (in this case Coke).
  • Thus, the product will incur a cost reduction and this will be passed on to the customers. A reduction in prices causes a positive movement along the demand curve leading to increased sales for Coca Cola company.
  • Furthermore, there will be few variations on the production, resulting in a longer and efficient product run.
In conclusion, firms that aggressively promote and advertise their products attain a competitive advantage over their competitors. Therefore, Coca Cola’s products, in particular Coke, will appear superior, attaining a brand preference.


Ivanov, M., (2009) Niche market or Mass market. Economic Letters, 105 (3), 217-220


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